• Reduced Atlantic City budget for the first time in 40 years
• Reducing Property Taxes in 2017 by 11.3%
• Reduced budget amount to be paid by taxpayers by $83 million
• Decreased the average cost of Flood Insurance by $190 for more than 7,800 property owners
• Reduced City employees by over 350 individuals
• Created the Mayor’s Job Placement Program that has placed over 700 individuals in jobs
• Repaved 50% of Atlantic City’s roads (more than any other Mayor)
• Rebuilt every outdoor basketball court in Atlantic City
• Renovated ball fields at Altman Field, Chelsea Heights Sports Field, Soccer Field at Texas Avenue Park, Browns Park, Boys and Girls Club
• Attracting new businesses to Atlantic City including: Stockton University’s Atlantic City Campus, South Jersey Industry’s corporate offices, Hard Rock International and many more
• Building more housing for residents including: More than 550 units of affordable and market rate housing

Ron Bailey, Stacey Kammerman, Don Guardian & Paul Tonacci

Ron Bailey, Stacey Kammerman, Don Guardian & Paul Tonacci